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Total Party Kill

The Toxophilite, the knight and the performer almost simultaneously discovered that there were treasures underground, handed over to the old remains of a neglected palace. They did not object, but agreed to cooperate and the observed abundance would be divided in a similar way. The point, however, is that the prison is full of traps and you are unlikely to pass them without dying. We will have to deprive one of the passengers so that another can reach the next exit safely. In the game Total Party Kill you have to decide who the person in question will be. To do this, you want to shoot a bow, freeze, transform into a bow or cut into pieces. Three hardened idols are secured in prison. It is enough for one of them to arrive at the exit to advance. The other two can be lost without problems or regret. Choose which researcher has the best escape skills and barbarically destroy your collaborators to get it. Enter this prison and control a knight, toxophilus and wizard. Try to cross paths full of dangerous weapons and mysterious components. Will you trace the wealth? Total Party Kill is a riddle game in which you complete prisons full of obstacles by brilliantly changing characters. Control 3 exceptional characters that must arrive in the end zone of each level, controlling the game elements related to their classes and exceptional activities. Switch between legends to move carefully and change rooms using a variety of unique activities. Use collaboration to dominate every level!