217 x played.

 101                10

High Pizza

Gather and serve lots of hot pizza pies in this fun match! Move from one side to the other to collect as many pizzas as possible. Stay away from obstacles and spoiled, green pizzas, as they will reduce the pizza supply. The more pizzas you collect, the more customers you can cheerfully present. Twelve thirsty and anxious customers find a place on a long table hung tightly for pizza, and the kitchen is a wreck. There are no cooks and the artist has to do practically everything himself. Help the brave woman in High Pizza to collect all the finished pizza in two hands and scatter everything on the table to the ultimate goal in front of each impatient person. It is essential to collect bronze pizza, as opposed to spoiled green, to get around obstacles so as not to lose everything you have collected in advance. We have to take care of the most extreme number of people, if we assume that there are other couples, this will not affect the result in High Pizza. Play with pizza, the levels will become more enthusiastic.