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Super Friday Night vs Neon

The beginnings in the universe of Friday Night Funkin continue. This time there was no man like Neon. He will be interested in melodic battles, and you will help him win them. In front of you on the screen you will see your legend left with a mouthpiece in his hands. A control board with bolts will be visible above it. As a last thought you will see a recorder. He will start playing music. The keys above the face will light up in a certain sequence. You have to follow it and then talk to the mouse. If you did everything right, your legend will sing an exciting tune and get tricks for it. A mod on Friday Night Funkin, where you really fight Advent Neon with 3 three unique melodies: Highrise, Ordinance, Transgression. Get involved with this insanely new form of the most expensive music mod in Super Friday Night vs Neon, while effectively following the bolts that will appear on the screen, no matter what, to overcome the malicious neon! Indeed, you read correctly! A few of us have arrived in the AdventNEON universe, going through various aspects, and in order to return completely safe, they must make it clear to their enemy that they are not part of this special place by immersing themselves directly in an exciting melodic duel. Can it be said that you are ready to surprise this strange animal with shining green metal skin, sharp spikes instead of hair and huge, deep orange eyes? Feel the notes flowing through your body, helping the soul of music to make you achieve your main goal and return to the security of your home. Super Friday Night vs Neon - A very exciting and fun game with FNF legends and new visitors. You want to follow the mood of every music and collect tricks to show that you are great. Compete different players and open each of the melodic levels.