261 x played.

 119                15


At Ballhit.io, get ready to face different parts in continuous online multiplayer interaction! The field is not big enough for these numerous balls and some of them have to go down. Only the most reasonable and fastest ball has the right to be the one that continues to stay on the field and become the boss. Do you have things to turn this into? We believe that you are a serious species in light of the fact that the different players are undoubtedly! The object of this game is to be a constant player on the field, pushing others down the stage. You can play the game with your WASD keys, so get ready to make a field for the field. To start the game, click the play button in the main menu. At this point you need to select a symbol and enter a name for yourself. The name you use will appear on the dashboard. In case you need, you can add another player. Now that you are ready, choose one of the three unique fields to play in. The game will start when each player is taken to the driver. Make an honest effort to push them off the stage. In any case, be careful about the endeavors of others. Could you show them that you really are a great player by winning?