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Fantasy Madness: Bloodbath

Fantasy Madness is a rogue-like endurance game set in a wild punk Dreamland. You want to stay against insidious forces that should obliterate the regular request. Use a large ammunition supply of obscure powers granted by the precious Earth life force to crush the orcs of the Aluminum Head Defender faction and other crafty enemies.

You are Johnny "Harmon" Wilde and you are trapped in the dream forest known as "Orc Paradise", fighting strange trolls, orcs, shamans and other terrifying creatures.

Move around the guide strategically by taking down enemies and taking their gems. Each gem gives you XP to power up. Like the Vampire Survivors game, you attack naturally so you can focus on moving like a master.

Each time you advance, you receive certain enhancements to expand your damage, return, or repair skills. Bring a nursery of recovering, predatory rabbits, the fury of lightning and more. You can constantly rework these enhancers to upgrade their items.

Fantasy Madness: Bloodbath is a roguelike endurance game that pits normal forces against mobs of malevolence. Get new powers, search for powerful things and defeat all obstacles with high performance.

Assemble magical gems to unlock new possibilities, allowing you to summon powerful allies, wield devastating weapons, and consume enchanted mushrooms.

Fantasy Madness: Bloodbath is a roguelike endurance game set in a wild dreamland, your goal is to face the forces of malevolence that must obliterate the normal claim.

Collect sorcerous gems to gain new powers that allow you to summon wild mates, deadly weapons and captured mushrooms.