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Koala Bros Bash

Koala Bros Bash is an experimental game in which you use a boomerang to destroy food grown from your family's land. Swipe your finger or the cursor through the game window to point it and deliver it to throw a boomerang. Whatever hits your boomerang, it takes a point off your guard. Anything that reaches zero will fall! Most importantly, hit different boomerangs to make them fall and add them to your ammo supply. Then, at this point, aim carefully to achieve perfect balances and make chain combinations. Do this process again! Make sure you finish all the natural products before the watch runs out. Use your boomerang to release as many organic products as possible. Cleanse all natural products before they contact you and ensure your daily existence. Swipe your finger or the cursor through the game window to point. Boomerang throw delivery.

The summer was finally dry and the bamboo stalks were not as tasty as in the past. A group of koalas at Koala Bros Bash thought about a brief change in diet and chose to get some organic product to stock up on while the bamboo recovered. The koala father and his child went to the forest, decorated with a boomerang. This is a simple but successful weapon for breaking down an organic product from tall trees. However, they must be used by hand. Help the creatures load up on pineapples, coconuts and bananas. An adult koala will boomerang under your guidance, and a small child will receive the fallen cuts. In case you see extra boomerangs, try to collect them to get an extra roll in Koala Bros Bash.