210 x played.

 100                10

Construction Set

Assemble a wide assortment of block structures and scenes in this exemplary construction game. Start as a child developer and level your way up to progressively more complex development kits. This unwinding and fulfilling game is sure to bring you back to the creative mind and fun of your youth! Stretch your innovation and exercise your mind with enjoyable developmental puzzles. Temporarily uncooperative mind or psychological barrier? Take it with crushing weight with this BLOCKbuster building game! Follow the direct on-screen guide to create your own block show stoppers as colorless sandy 3D models! Track down the right piece and simply tap to add it to your fabrication. Brilliant pieces and gorgeous scenes make this structure game a buzz for developers, all things being equal! In Constructor 3D, you never have to stress if you lose a piece or curious blocks split and hurt your fingers, because everything is virtual! Get in on the fun without the mess or accidental stepping on toys.