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Dark Light Swap

Weakness and light are a place nearby all the time. The sun is shining and the objects cast a shadow, the night follows the day, the dark contrasts with the white. In Dark Light Swap, all this will also happen on a monochrome field. The orders are to carry the emojis through the entrances, where they will connect. You can move the white emoji or the dark one by rotating the space bar. Remember, however, that the dark man moves on the white field, and the white man also moves on the dark. Use the squares in the box to open the path to the entries. Think in Dark Light Swap and don't take quick steps. Dark Light Swap is a riddle game to control negative space. You have to guide two block characters called "Light" and "Dim" and help them reach the entrance to exit through obstacles, maze-like levels. Light can push out light dividers, while Darkness can push out dull ones. Switch between the two characters, plan your movements carefully and make sure that the two characters pass through your entrance. Also, remember: You can press the separator in case there is space at the back to press them! How many levels could you clear in this insightfully designed, great puzzle game? Share Dark Light Swap your companions and think about your results. Dark Light Swap is a puzzle game about a miserable space, where light pushes light out and dim light pushes out dimming. Switch between two characters and direct them to the exit on each level. A game of riddles to exchange characters between light and dark as you try to make your way to the exit.