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Super Fowlst

The world is full of devils and there is only one chicken that can stop them. How? Crashing into them with his head forward. Why? I do not know. Super Fowlst is a game of activity in terms of disaster avoidance, crushing beasts and grabbing prey. There are cluttered stages of victory, great managers to overcome and all sorts of devices and things to communicate with. Exchange your wealth for great powers such as egg bombs and rockets so that you can truly exercise control over these evil presences. Super Fowlst is an activity game made by Thomas K. Youthful. The world is full of devils, and you are the main chicken that can stop them ... How, you ask? Crashing into them with his head forward, obviously. Avoid disasters, crunchy beasts, grab prey, do the process again! There are a mix of procedurally created stages of victory, colossal overseers to overcome and all sorts of tricks and things to connect with. Did we refer to 30 unlockable signs ?! Don't forget to exchange your wealth for great powers like egg bombs and rockets so you can really exercise power over these devils!