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Bubble Sorting

Bubble Sorting is a simple game with justification. Sort the air pockets in the right cylinders until there is only one tone for each cylinder. Sorting air pockets will not allow you to place two air pockets with different shades directly next to each other, so you will need to think smart and follow your own way of sorting air pockets. Sort the air pockets in the tubes according to their shading. When there is one tone for each cylinder, you have completed the level. This is a basic but fun game that provokes you to sort the air pockets in your own way! There are three levels of problems when sorting bubbles. Each problem has 12 unique levels. The problem depends on the size of the cylinders and the shadows you need to sort on demand. In sorting bubbles, be prepared to touch bright spheres and challenge your brain to sort them into the right cylinders. Air pockets are fun to play, and the shadows in this game are both engaging and invigorating! You have a lone goal in this game. You need to complete each level by placing air pockets with similar shading in similar cylinders. You can play this nice arranging game with the mouse, so click on the play button in the main menu to get started. On the next screen you will see 3 different levels of problems. Each trouble has 12 levels below it and you have 36 levels to complete. Start with the least demanding and open all the levels to move on to different challenges. You can place an air pocket only in an unfilled cylinder or on another air pocket with similar shading like it. Click on a cylinder to select the air pocket at the top, then click on another cylinder again to move it there. As the problems increase, you will have more control tones. When you sort each of the shadows as indicated by their shading, you transfer the even one and open the next one! Have fun and good luck! Bubble Sorting is a puzzle game made by Eagle Games. In this game your goal is to sort the air pockets by shading. Start by moving the air pockets in the right cylinders until there is only one tone for each cylinder. Sorting air pockets will not allow you to place two air pockets of different tones directly next to each other, so you will need to think consistently and follow your own way to sort air pockets. At each level you have 5 options to reverse your choice. This way, if you adjust your perspective, you can return the air pocket where it came from. Don't forget to change the problem settings to keep track of the perfect mode for you, and start tidying up!