239 x played.

 113                8

Pyramid Solitaire

In Pyramid solitaire, the cards are managed. Shuffle the cards, flip the tables and score tricks! How many sheets could you clear before the game is over? Let karma be your ally as you will need it! Start the game by tapping the play button on the main menu. You can play this game with your mouse. Your goal in this game is to clear the cargo as many times as possible. To do this, you need to match cards that add up to 13. You can do this from multiple perspectives. You can match 7 and 6 or 3 and 10. Jacks are worth 11 focuses, Queens 12 and finally Kings worth 13 focuses. At the highest point of the screen you can see the data bar. From here, you can monitor your current score, your high score, how long it's been since the game started, and the amount of sheets you've completed. On the screen you will see the cards in the shape of a pyramid. In case you can see a pair, click on them to clear them from the board. In case there are no sets, look below and click on the draw to reveal another card. Remember that you can simply tap face-down cards.