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Cheating Exam

Consecutively, students have to study different subjects and in order for the instructor to understand that the information has been received and confirmed, the tests are done at the end of the quarter or academic year. In the game Cheating Exam you will find yourself on one of these tests. It is compiled and conducted in class. All students received a test and must complete it on time. However, not everyone is ready. Some people know nothing of the imagination and have to use a scammer, while others bother their colleagues to back down. Help the subgroups to misdirect the instructor, who will carefully check each inattentive backup. So you get up in the first part of the day, eat and go to class. Unbeknownst to you (since you usually miss classes), this is another test day at school! You go to class absolutely poorly equipped and if all else fails, you have to do something bad that almost everyone taught: cheats! Take your throwing paper to get answers from everyone who knows everything, and pat the geeks so they don't report you to the instructor. In addition, you obviously have to cheat without the knowledge of the instructor.