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Grand Shift Auto

Grand Shift Auto is the free-to-play shooter where you are a bully delivered to the city. What you do is entirely up to you; you can complete different missions or just pull out your guns and threaten the roads. As you spin out of control on the roads, make sure you take care of your well-being as you will bite the dust if you don't get anywhere. Hop in the driver's seat of a picked-up vehicle or cruise the roads below. Anything is possible for you and you are determined to ruin it. Good times! You were supposed to start coping and appreciate a cheerful, long life, but something didn't end so well. Cops don't care about hooligans, so the main legend is caught. After many long years, the legend is ready to show everyone his outrage as he was finally released from prison. Take multiple vehicles, race in and out of town and complete single missions. Try to get as rich as can be expected. It won't be easy, so prepare for a test.